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Digital Resource on Tamil Culture and Tradition (D.R.T.C.T)

Tamil language and culture are inter-connected. Knowledge of Tamil culture and tradition helps preserve one’s roots and identities. In order to keep Tamil a living language, it is necessary for the younger generation of Tamils to understand the significance of Tamil culture and tradition. This project aims to provide basic information about Tamil culture 

and tradition.

This digital resource will help to increase the cultural literacy of Tamil parents, teachers, students and others. The featuring of a wide range of information about Tamil culture in a single portal is a pioneering effort. It will be tailored to suit our Singapore context. Yet, it will also appeal to the Tamil Diaspora at large. The resources in this portal would be 

freely accessible to anyone, anywhere, at no cost.


This project is scheduled to be launched in 2019.

Chief Co-ordinator: Mr N Subramaniam



1 Springleaf Rise,

Singapore 787981


For any queries, please contact

us here.


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Welcome to use any material from this website for any educational purpose but with due acknowledgement to the Centre for Singapore Tamil Culture.  However, if the material is already under a different copyright protection, kindly seek permission from relevant sources.

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